"However, this is precisely why his confusion of the Christian’s calling to love of neighbor with the gospel is so dangerous."

Michael Horton of Modern Reformation speaks to the Rick Warren/DG issue at White Horse Inn HT: DP


Michael Horton stated:

“At the same time, I believe that his message distorts the gospel and that he is contributing to the human-centered pragmatism that is eroding the proper ministry and mission of the church. Judging by The Purpose-Driven Life, Pastor Warren’s theology seems to reflect run-of-the-mill evangelical Arminianism, especially with its emphasis on the new birth as the result of human decision and cooperation with grace.”

Then most Evangelicals and Fundamentalists are part of the “run of the mill” (majority) group. These same accusations have been brought by Reformed against Lewis Sperry Chafer, Charles Ryrie, and most Dispensationalist theologians and Pastors. Thankfully, most have escaped this lifeless, philosophical, European theology that eventually brought down Christianity in Europe.

This is the problem with the new Calvinists. Their view of regeneration preceding faith and the fact that one must respond is completely out of step with Biblical soteriology and Most all Evangelicals of every kind and most Fundamentalists. Yet they recite this grace mantra over and over. Responding to the gospel is in keeping with Biblical grace. We do not cooperate with God we rather have knowledge, assent, and trust of Him and His gospel. We did not cooperate but rather stopped fighting and allowed ourselves to be rescued.The phrase “doctrines of grace” coined by militant Calvinism is merely a device whereby they seek to claim that if you do not agree with their entire soteriological plan then you do not believe in grace. Nonsense!

Since the vast majority of Amercan Christians, and probably world wide Christians, do not buy into this post Calvinist Dortist approach, then those who give invitations to believe are the orthodox and this stripe Calvinists are the secterian minority . I do not agree with RW’s book “The Purpose driven life,” but not for all the same reasons set forth by Horton. It is good, biblical, and proper to ask someone to “believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.” (WOW, that might even be in the Bible). However a good and Biblical explanation of the gospel should be made. RW does not do this in his book. He does however appear do it every sunday in his church. Hear online for yourself. But listen before you have had too many Ales at the White Horse Inn.

I certainly find it strange how these non Calvinists who persuade and invite to the gospel find more of the elect then the Calvinists who talk so much about them seem to do. Horton appears to admire RW for that!!