Happy Birthday, John Calvin

… a day late (but I don’t think he minds).

A small random sampling of responses… John Piper, Calvin College, Sola Panel, Town Hall (Marvin Olasky), and of course Calvin500.org


From http://centrepointnews.com/?p=2810] one of the many news items on the subject…
“Calvin certainly was not perfect, and it is against the grain of Reformed Christians to foster personality cults,” noted the president and general secretary of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC).

“John Calvin himself would insist Soli Deo Gloria, Only to God be the Glory,” they added.

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.

As I commented in a thread some time back, I really do wonder (not much) what his sentiments would be in seeing his image everywhere, in the form of bobbleheads, birthday cakes, entire web sites devoted to him etc. I have other thoughts, but I will refrain. ;)

"I pray to God this day to make me an extraordinary Christian." --Whitefield http://strengthfortoday.wordpress.com

[Diane Heeney] As I commented in a thread some time back, I really do wonder (not much) what his sentiments would be in seeing his image everywhere, in the form of bobbleheads, birthday cakes, entire web sites devoted to him etc. I have other thoughts, but I will refrain. ;)
John Calvin had a Augustine bobblehead! :)