Book Review: Why Do Protestants Convert to Roman Catholicism?


“The authors conclude with a call to action: ‘American Protestantism needs to take a hard look in the mirror and ask itself why it has fallen so far from offering meaningful structures of authority, authentic experiences of holiness, and the kind of cultural leadership and intellectual sophistication that attracts the best and the brightest.’” -


Roger Olson Is Feeling Some Nostalgia for Fundamentalism


“watching the film nevertheless ‘picked me up and transported me’ back in time to a time in my life when everything about life was simple, clear, uncomplicated, warm, meaningful, even exciting. God was real to us.” - Olson


The Rise of the Non-Christian “Evangelical”


“Fourteen percent of Muslims say that they are evangelical - it’s the same percentage as Roman Catholics. Even 12% of those identifying as nothing in particulars and Hindus say that they are evangelicals!” - Ryan Burge


Cultural Evangelical: A State Level Analysis


“For cultural evangelicals, they reject one leg of the stool—the behavioral piece. For them, evangelicalism is primarily about tribal belonging (and perhaps some vague belief in the teachings of the Bible).” - Ryan Burge


Reflections on the Evangelical Fracturing, Ten Years In


“The story of Acts 29’s trajectory will feel familiar to many of us outside of the network as well. Indeed it may serve as a small-scale model for much of the evangelical fracturing that began around 2015 and has continued through to the present.” - Mere Orthodoxy
